17 June 2024,   13:45
"If it were not for Ivanishvili"s instruction, would you have chosen such a destructive path?" - question of Omega Group Director to the Minister

Besides the lawmakers, the Finance Minister had to answer questions of Omega Group representatives who attended the Sector Economy Committee meeting. Levan Aghdgomelashvili, general director of Omega Group, told Ivane Machavariani that he received tasks from Bidzina Ivanishvili, the only goal of which was to damage the Omega group.
Aghdgomelashvili asked the minister whether Bidzina Ivanishvili"s assignment was the reason why the Ministry of Finance selected a destructive approach towards the company.
"When you received instruction from Bidzina Ivanishvili to clear the sky for Omega, then you agreed to reduce this penalty. We offered you to pay this fine on March 5, but your answer was negative. I wonder why. Clarify the law under which you and the Revenue Service did not give the company the excise stamps .
"Despite the fact that the budget would not be fully paid, the first phase cost the budget more than half a million and tens of millions further for dispute at the Stockholm international arbitration, you chose this destructive way and did not accept our offer. If it were not for Ivanishvili"s instruction, would you have chosen such a destructive path?"?" - Agdgomelashvili addressed the Minister.
According to the minister, Omega Group has not paid for three years already. As to the letter of March 5, which Levan Aghdgomelashvili speaks about , the Minister said that for three years the debt would have to be frozen and then paid
Machavariani said that "the government and all relevant structures were right in relation to Omega.
"As for the law, no one has won anything in Stockholm, as far as I know, a specific decision was suspended there," the minister said.