25 April 2024,   18:11
Information about the meeting between Salome Zuorabishvili and students in Germany was an absolute lie - the president"s spokesperson

The information spread by the media sources about the meeting between Salome Zourabichvili and students in Germany was a lie - said the spokesperson of the President.
Khatia Moistsrafishvili responded to the information about the statements of the administration of the president of Georgia towards the students.
Moistsrafishvili says that the president was not irritated at the meeting and answered all the questions.
"The information spread by Georgian students and the media was an absolute lie. The president was not irritated, she answered to the all questions including David Gareji. There is no ironic tone, no stigma and no word is heard in the stories," - Khatia Moistsrafishvili said.
President of Georgia met with students yesterday in Munich, Germany. According to the participants of the meeting, Mrs Zurabishvili was irritated after the questions about the on-going processes in Georgia, the relationship with Russia and the situation in Davit Gareji.
Participants said that due to the critical questions, the president"s administration called them illiterates.
With covered eyes students protested the night of June 20.