02 May 2024,   04:39
Italy’s bishops attack PM Conte for extending ban on mass

Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte came under attack from Italy’s Catholic bishops and even some of his own cabinet members for refusing to reintroduce mass once the coronavirus lockdown is lifted. Conte has unveiled a gradual easing of restrictions that will restore some semblance of former life starting on May 4.

Conte has allowed Italians to take strolls in parks and go jogging starting next Monday. More stores will reopen and restaurants will resume takeout service. Even museums will unlock their gates on May 18 in an effort to draw back tourists and help out Italy"s devastated hotel and services industry.

But there will still be no mass and attendance at funerals will be limited to 15 people. Conte and Health Minister Roberto Speranza agreed with a scientific committee conclusion that “the elderly in the parish are too frail to risk”.

The bishops are livid. “We cannot accept to see the freedom of worship compromised”, - the Italian Episcopal Conference of the country’s top bishops said in a statement. – “Why on earth, with proper precautions, can you go to a museum but not to mass?”.