25 September 2024,   14:21
Biden and Kamala dragged us into this war and now they can’t get us out of it. They can’t – Trump

The United States should end its costly involvement in the conflict in Ukraine, former US President said. Donald Trump, accusing the president Joe Biden and the vice president Kamala Harris, wants to continue the current situation indefinitely.

“Biden and Kamala got us into this war in Ukraine, and now they can’t get us out of it. They can’t,” the former president said at a rally in Georgia. “I think if I’m not president, we’re stuck there. I’m going to fix this. I’m going to negotiate and get us out. We’ve got to get out of it. Biden says ‘we’re not leaving until we win. What happens if they win?’, - the Republican nominee said, referring to Russia.

Trump then spoke about the German auto industry, making it a centerpiece of his election campaign: “I want German automakers to become American automakers. I want them to come and build their factories in the US. Multinationals will be able to build their factories in special zones on federally owned land through tax breaks. But those who don’t produce in the US will have to face high import duties. That’s why foreign companies from all over the world will have to move to the US.