01 October 2024,   15:29
Securing a constitutional majority is key to national unity and justice - Bidzina Ivanishvili

The Honorary Chairman of Georgian Dream publishes a statement, where he once again draws attention to the importance of obtaining the constitutional majority. He argued that this majority is necessary to bring justice to the country and ensure its future unity, peace, and prosperity.

“It is fundamentally important that "Georgian Dream" wins a constitutional majority in the October 26 parliamentary elections. This majority would allow the government to declare the [United] National Movement unconstitutional and try its regime for past crimes, including acts of terror, torture, and igniting war.

A victory for Georgian Dream would guarantee that Georgia remains under a government elected by the people, rather than under foreign-influenced forces. It is important to preserve Georgian values, such as family, faith, and the Orthodox Church, which are under threat from the opposition.

The agenda on October 26 is not about political sympathy or antipathy, but about Georgia’s very existence.

I would like to call on Georgians to ensure a peaceful, independent, and prosperous nation for future generations… The only path forward is toward Europe. We must unite again on October 26 and win! Long live the united, strong, and shining Georgia!”, - writes Bidzina Ivanishvili.