18 October 2024,   14:19
From over 30,000 registered non-profits in Georgia, up to 25,000 were inactive for years. Out of the active ones, it seems some 600 receive their funding from abroad, and only 136 of them resent transparency - Papuashvili

From over 30,000 registered non-profits in Georgia, up to 25,000 were inactive for years. Out of the active ones, it seems some 600 receive their funding from abroad, and only 136 of them resent transparency, writes the Speaker of the Georgian Parliament on the social network.

“As expected, and now we know, the vast majority of Georgian civil society has displayed a responsible and sober approach towards the issue of transparency.

As for now, there are 156 foreign-funded organizations that completed procedures for inclusion in the Justice Ministry’s Transparency Register. This number has already exceeded the 136 non-governmental organizations that protested the adoption of the Law on Transparency of Foreign Influence. Moreover, applications from 300 more organizations is under review for registration.

This happened despite the menaces of a few political NGOs and their donors that Georgian society would resist the government’s calls for greater transparency and accountability.

It is also evident that it was not the civil society that came out with violent street protests in March 2023 and May this year but the groups mobilized by the radical political parties, through their politicized NGOs and political TV companies.

The genuine civil society has spoken. From over 30,000 registered non-profits in Georgia, up to 25,000 were inactive for years. Out of the active ones, it seems some 600 receive their funding from abroad, and only 136 of them resent transparency. Thus, over 75 percent of foreign-funded non-profit organizations seem not to have a problem with the Law.

And, lo and behold, despite the promised end of the world, the sun still rises above Georgia’s beautiful towns and villages”, - writes Shalva Papuashvili.