30 September 2024,   21:30
The longer the process goes on, the more question marks there are - Ombudsman about attack on Tordia

The Public Defender speaks about the necessity of investigation in the shortest possible time of assault on the head of the Audit Office.

According to Ucha Nanuashvili, the Ombudsman`s office has already begun to study the incident in the night club El Centro.

According to his assessment, it is important to have a timely investigation in order to avoid additional questions.

The ombudsman also speaks about the necessity of an independent investigative mechanism, which will examine the offense committed by law enforcers or former law enforcers.

" He was interrogated only several days later. This also indicates that there are some problems in the investigation. I hope that in a reasonable time all the details of this case will be clear. There are witnesses, there is a video recording.

"When it comes to the head of one of the constitutional authorities, the attack on a high-ranking official, the investigation must do everything to answer all the questions within a short time.The longer the process goes on, the more question marks will arise, "- Ucha Nanuashvili said.