01 October 2024,   01:24
US Department of State calls on Georgia for timely and transparent investigation of Afgan Mukhtarli case

US State Department has released a statement regarding the case of Afgan Mukhtarli. Washington assesses the fact as a kidnapping and calls for full investigation into Georgia. 

"The United States is disturbed by the reported abduction in Tbilisi, Georgia, and subsequent arrest in Azerbaijan of Azerbaijani journalist Afgan Mukhtarli on May 30. We are also troubled by the May 25 arrest in Azerbaijan of deputy Popular Front Party chairperson Gozal Bayramli.

We urge the government of Azerbaijan to release all those incarcerated for exercising their fundamental freedoms in accordance with its international and OSCE commitments.

We are closely following the Georgian investigation into the reported abduction, and urge that it be full, transparent, and timely, the statement reads.