15 January 2025,   02:11
In the last 3 months, 107 people were killed in road accidents- concerning statistics

In the last 3 months, 107 people were killed in car accidents - according to statistics, the number of traffic accidents, as well as the number of injured is increasing. The representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia have not presented any recent data to the Parliament today. They presented data for 2016-2017, according to which the number of deaths was decreased by 11%, and the number of accidents by 15%.

The majority say that the sharp decline in statistics was the result of reforms carried out in the country last year.

The MIA admits that despite the reforms carried out, road accidents, one of the main reasons of deaths and injuries is one of the major problems.

Statistical evidence has shown that the deaths of adolescents up to 16 years have increased. In the year 2016, 17 teenagers were killed, including 11 passengers, and 9 pedestrians, and in 2017 their number increased to 23.

Representatives of NGOs talk about the alarming situation and demand the legalization of the seat belts on the rear seats for the children for safety.

"One-time Effect of the Points System" - NGOs evaluate the reduction of the number of deaths in the accident after the reform.