27 July 2024,   03:41
If not the devastating result in the first round of elections, these initiatives would not be announced - Bezhashvili

"If not the elections and not the devastating result, received by Georgian Dream in the first round, these initiatives would not be voiced,"_ says Levan Bezhashvili, the UNM member.

He comments on the statement of Transparency International, according to which the promises of the ruling team are associated with the use of administrative resources.

According to Bezhashvili, some social projects announced by members of the ruling team have not been included in the draft bill of next year"s budget.

"Of course we believe that these promises are to deceive the voter, attempt to bribe the voters and naturally use the administrative resource,"- Bezhashvili says.

Transparency International has studied concrete facts and has established that after the first round of elections the Georgian government announced several high-budget social projects,