27 July 2024,   03:59
Khaindrava believes that the conditions were not fair from the very beginning ... A person can file a suit in court - Minister of Economy

Georgian Dream"s ideologist, director Goga Khaindrava does not pay the debt to the state.

The case concerns the fact that Khaindrava"s company received half a million square meters for 34 937 GEL in 2014 by the decision of the Prime Minister Irakli Gharibashvil. Khaindrava was obliged to invest 350 thousand GEL in Tetritskaro, buy 150 cows, build greenhouses and employ people, but these obligations were not fulfilled .

Khaindrava debt to the budget is more than three million. He does not intend to pay the money and according to "Courier`s" information demands from the government to write off the debt.

In the report of "Saturday Courier" Property Management Agency of the Ministry of Economy confirmed the existence of debt.

Economy Minister Giorgi Kobulia says that if the person has a debt, then he will have to pay.
Giorgi Kobulia says that Goga Khaindrava does not enjoy the priorities and the ministry will consider his case.

Giorgi Kobulia also talked about the fact that Goga Khaindrava focuses on the unfair conditions. Minister calls on Khaindrava to go to court.

Finance Minister of Georgia Ivane Machavariani says that Khaindrava was not exempt from debts.