18 October 2024,   06:51
In the last 11 years, poverty has actually been halved - Garibashvil

In the last 11 years, poverty has actually been halved. Compared to 2012, more than half a million people got out of poverty. Such a statement made the Prime Minister of Georgia, while presenting the 2023 report.

“In 2012, the unemployment rate was around 27%. In 2022, the unemployment rate fell to an all-time low of 17%, and poverty also fell to an all-time low of 15%. This year, the unemployment rate continued to decrease in all three quarters.

The unemployment rate is decreasing in parallel with the growth of labor force and employment; This year, for example, the unemployment rate in the third quarter was 15.6%, and the number of employed people reached 1 million 366,000.

In the last 11 years, poverty has actually been halved. Compared to 2012, more than half a million people got out of poverty. This is another concrete result of our Government.

The number of jobs in the business sector in 2022, compared to 2012, increased by 1.5 times - by 245,000.

The number of jobs in the business sector also increased in the III quarter. The number of business entities in 2022, compared to 2012, increased by 71% - from 119,000 to 205,000.

The number of newly registered business entities almost doubled from 40,000 to 77,000 last year compared to 2012.

I would like to share with you the turnover data of the business sector, compared to 2012, the turnover of the business sector has increased 4 times, from 42 billion GEL to 181 billion GEL”, - said Irakli Garibashvili.