03 July 2024,   23:50
Ministry of Internal Affairs arrested 3 persons connected with "Thieves World"

Employees of the Central Criminal Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, along with the General Prosecutor’s Office, as a result of complex operational measures and investigative actions, arrested 3 persons in connection with the “Thieves World” in Tbilisi based on the judge"s decision.

The following persons were detained for membership of the “Thieves World”: previously convicted D.T. (DoB 1969) and V.G. (DoB 1990, nicknamed “Bachi”) while, previously convicted D.C. (DoB 1990) was arrested for applying a member of the “Thieves’ World”.

The committed crimes envision up to 10 years in prison.

The investigation established that the accused D.C., in order to resolve the financial dispute, appealed to a member of the “Thieves’ World” - nicknamed “Bachi”. The other party, on the other hand, also asked the criminal authorities for assistance, after which a "criminal skirmish" was organized in the apartment of D.T.

The defendants at a gathering organized in accordance with the traditions of the “Thieves World”, resolved the dispute and ordered one of the disputing parties to pay a certain sum of money in favor of the other party.

The investigation is being conducted under Article 223, p-art I of the Criminal Code of Georgia and Article 223 (4), part I of the Criminal Code of Georgia.