The Supreme Court will start to discuss the case of Rustvi2 on Monday. The final instance of the judicial system to decide the fate of freedom of speech. However, the judges will take this decision without listening of Rustav i2"s position. it was announced today that the broadcasting company"s request for an oral hearing, was rejected by the court.
According to the decisions, taken in such situation, the board has to return the case in to the lower court.
The Supreme Court"s decision will be final and there is no mechanism for appealing it. It means that the fate of the country"s democrat depends on the Supreme Court at the moment.
Lawyers have positive expectations.
A representative of Kibar Khalvashi agrees on the position on Rustavi2"s position.
Paata Salia does not rule out a possibility, that Rustavi2"s case may be returned to the Court of Appeals.