Will Rustavi2"s case be revised by the Court of Appeals or not- The Supreme Court"s decision is not yet known. The discussion on the case has continued for more than 12 hours.
Rustavi2"s lawyers were informed on the developments at 11 pm at nigh by the assistant of the Chairman of the Board.
The Rustavi2"s lawyers sat that expedited review of Rustavi2"s case raises questions.
Lawyers say that the questions the hearing of the case on an expedited basis.
" Given the fact that they have time till January 25, 2017, it raises questions to appoint hearing in November. Maybe it is because of taught schedule. Maybe they need additional hour, But if they have questions it would be better to call us and to deal effectively with the resolution and the resolution of the case,"- said Tamta Muradashvili.
Dimtiri Sadzaglishvili , the broadcasting company"s another lawyer says that there are fears that the Supreme Court is in a hurry to make a decision on the case of Rustavi 2.