01 October 2024,   13:23
Patriarch"s health condition improved but he still remains under medical supervision

Catholicos-Patriarch Ilia II-"s health condition has improved, but he still remains under medical supervision. Rustavi2 received the information from the Catholicos-Patriarchs personal doctor Tsisana Shartava.

"The situation has improved and the Patriarch feels much better; the dynamics is positive. We continue treatment. He has no longer a fever. The rest will be shown with time. The main thing is that the dynamics is positive", - said the doctor Tsisana Shartava.

She says there is no need for hospitalization, and the Patriarch Patriarch is currently at the Patriarchate.
Due to health problem, the Catholicos-Patriarch was not able to attend the liturgy at the Holy Trinity Cathedral yesterday. His doctor said the reason was virus infection and high temperature.