30 September 2024,   23:21
Patriarch will not attend President`s report

Patriarch is unable to attend the President`s annual report .

According to the Patriarch`s secretary, Dean Michael Botkoveli,Ilia the Second has to conduct Holly service today as it is the second day of the Annunciation.

As for archpriest Giorgi Mamaladze , Father Michael Botkoveli did not specify whether the members of the Synod were going to meet with him .

"I heard Giorgi Tevdorashvili`s comment on this issue, and can not add anything. Clergyman should not go on hunger strike as Tevdorashvili has said. He did not say anything in connection with the meeting, "- said Father Michael Botkoveli.

As the Patriarchate`s lawyer said the Father Giorgi will be visited by the head of the Patriarchate`s department for relation with the penitentiary system.