26 May 2024,   16:36
I want to acknowledge that I control the Strasbourg Court, the New York Stock Exchange and the show "Who Wants 20 thousands" - Giorgi Margvelashvili

The President of Georgia is holding a meeting with Ilia University students within the campaign "Constitution for Everyone". The President responded to the Chairman of the Parliament who criticized the European Court saying that the European Court made a decision on Rustavi 2 under political influence.

The President explained the reason of the similar accusations, but before that made a joke on the issue.

"I want to acknowledge that I control the Strasbourg Court, the New York Stock Exchange, and the show"Who wants 20 thousands," - Margvelashvili said.

According to the president, he really does not know why and on what basis similar statements are made by the ruling politicians.

According to Margvelashvili, he should not be havng meetings with students alone and the majority shoul not be locked up in their offices.