15 February 2025,   07:49
Court Reform and Business Promotion Issues - Meeting at the Georgian-American Strategic Charter Session

At the meeting of the Georgian-American Strategic Charter, Georgia"s investment environment, judicial reform and business support issues were discussed. The Working Group on Trade, Economy and Energy held in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the first working meeting in 2018 .

US Deputy Secretary of State, Managing Director of the Millennium Challenge Corporation and USAID, arrived in Tbilisi to discuss the new recommendations for improving business environment, including copyright and intellectual property rights.

"The American side expressed support for the establishment of capital markets in Georgia and expressed readiness of active cooperation with the National Bank, including expert support. We discussed the ways of expanding economic opportunities for Georgian-American businesses and deepening business and trade links. It is underlined that both sides want to have our economic and trade relations equal to the high level of political cooperation, "said First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs David Zalkaliani.

US Assistant Secretary of State Brian McFeeters made a comment on the meeting.

"We have addressed so many issues. Starting from court reform and ending with land privatization. We have also talked about strengthening of Georgia"s economic potential, "Brian McFeeters said.