27 July 2024,   03:46
Rally on Rustaveli - police dismantled tents on road at Parliament

The situation is tense in the vicinity of the parliament. Patrol police officers completely control the perimeter. The law enforcers moved the tents from the road to the Parliament building.

Head of Patrol Police is on the spot. According to the current information, the tents were removed from the road upon the agreement with the rally participants.

The decision of the police to transfer the tents from the passage of the road to the parliament building was not followed by protests.

Director of Patrol Police Department Teimuraz Kupatadze noted that the reason for the transfer of the tents was the violation of the public order and the right of citizens to free movement.

"We are obliged to eliminate offenses and we moved tents where they were yesterday," Kupatadze said.
It was preceded by the incident and Patrol police detained 5 participants in tents.