22 October 2024,   18:54
"Otkhozoria -Tatunashvili List" is provocative but Russia is not linked to murder of Georgian citizens - Zaharova

Moscow offers Tbilisi to restore full-fledged relations and states that despite the provocative content, the "Otkhozoria-Tatunashvili" list will not influence the restoration of this relationship.

The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry says in an exclusive interview with "Courier" that if the Georgian government has a political will, the Russian government is ready to go to a new stage of relations and there will be no obstacle from Russia.

In the interview, Maria Zakharova states that Russia is not linked to the murder of Georgian citizens.

" The Otkhozoria Tatunashvuili list, as well as other tragic incidents that have happened to the citizens of Georgia are not linked to Russia. Therefore they will not influence Russia-Georgian relations,"- said Maria Zakharova.