27 July 2024,   04:24
Zurabichvili"s statements - Georgian militaries, third president and former high-ranking officials may appear between defendants in the Hague

Georgian militaries, third president and former high-ranking officials may appear between defendants in the Hague due to Salome Zurabishvili"s anti-state statements.

At this stage, only one person protects Georgia"s interests in the Hague Criminal Court, a representative of the NGO sector.

According to the opposition, the state does not have its own representative and thus position shaken by Zurabishvili"s rhetoric, weakens further.

Opposition demands reaction and response from the government. Salome Samadashvili, one of the leaders of United National Movement says that the inaction of the government serves Russia"s interests.

"According to the Prosecutor"s and the Hague"s relevant agencies, since 2013 the Georgian authorities have actually ceased to supply materials that are necessary to determine Russia"s guilt over the events of 2008," said Salome Samadashvili.

Samadashvili summons the Minister of Justice and the Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Parliament to provide a detailed information about what the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Justice do in Hague since 2013.

Giorgi Kandelaki, the Parliamentary minority member says that the Russian Federation has already submitted Salome Zurabishvili"s words as proof regarding changing Georgia"s borders.

The ruling team responds to the opposition"s statements. Davit Matikashvili, a member of the parliamentary majority says that it is clear to everyone who started the war in 2008. According to Matikashvili, Russia started the war as Georgia could not start to do it on its own territory.

According to him, the Georgian government is doing everything to prove in the Hague that the Russian Federation attacked Georgia.