27 July 2024,   04:30
" Attempt to falsify will cost you a lot to the "Georgian Dream" government on international arena "- Grigol Vashadze

"Attempt to falsify is going to cost very expensive to the Georgian Dream Government on the international arena, " - Grigol Vashadze said after the meeting with ODIHR observation mission.

Since morning, the ODIHR observation mission has been meeting with presidential candidates and non-governmental organizations. The last meeting was held with Grigol Vashadze. All this meetings were closed and OSCE mission representatives did not comment to the media.

"The main questions were about false IDs and appointing elections on November 28th, Wednesday and when immigrants actually could not participate in voting. The questions were about our political and economic program details. The Georgian Dream Government"s attempt to falsify the elections will cost them much on the international arena, "- Grigol Vashadze said.