"Second round of historical elections should be conducted without violence, blackmail and rigging" - This is the expectation of local and international observers who will monitor the presidential elections tomorrow.
A day before the new president is elected, all the authoritative organizations, including the ODIHR mission, NDI, IRI and local organizations met with the current president of Georgia Giorgi Margvelashvili.
After the meeting, Sulkhan Saladze, the Chairman of the Georgian Young Lawyers Association, noted that the facts of physical confrontation in the second round have increased.
"It was symptomatic that the aggressive campaign against observer organizations on social networks continued to practically throughout this period by means of Fake News and Fake Pages, " - says Saladze.
Executive Director of the International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy, Mikheil Benidze, says that after the first round the pressure and intemidation on voters are increased.
"One of the major problems in this election period, especially during the first and second round, is the high polarization, the sharply negative campaign, which is more intensified now than in the first round and the situation in this regard is even more acute, "- Benidze said.