19 May 2024,   19:34
Nazi Janezashvili shares the initiative of suspending process of judges" lifetime appointment

The idea of announcing a moratorium on the lifetime appointment of judges is acceptable to Nazi Janezashvili, the non-judge member of the High Council of Justice.
Janezashvili says she shares the initiative of MP Eka Beselia in the current situation, as it is necessary to postpone the issue of judges" lifetime resignation.The non-judge member explains that the legislative regulation should be developed by the Parliament.
"Naturally, the clan is striving to strengthen its powers and to maximally appoint those people who will act in their interests in the future. Consequently, I think that this requirement of MPs to suspend lifetime appointments is absolutely logical to me and in the circumstances it that can be said to be one of the solution but how legal regulation will be defined , it is already up to the parliament, "Nazi Janezashvili said.
Eka Beselia addressed the parliament two days ago with the legislative initiative. The former chairperson of the Legal Committee requests the lifetime appointment of judges in the first and second instances courts.