28 March 2025,   11:54
Georgia is envisioned for a certain role that we shall play under the dictation of the Embassy - new statement of the People’s Power

The former MPs from the Georgian Dream, Sozar Subari, Dimitri Khundadze, Guram Macharashvili and Mikheil Kavelashvili released a new statement.

“The US Embassy keeps reminding us for the last months that America has allocated the aid of 6 bl. USD to Georgia for the last 30 years. As it is stated, “all the gifts are flawless”, which means that when you receive a gift, you shall never start the consideration of the real value thereof. However, we all well understand that the USA is not a charity organization and hence, it gives no gifts and all the allocations are dictated under their own interest.

Thus, the main factor that the society shall understand is the reason for the allocation of the funds to Georgia, in exchange for what interests we received this 6 bl. USD. For instance, if these funds have been allocated to Georgia for the opening of the second front, naturally, 6 bl. USD can never replace the damage that Georgia may get through in the war with Russia. We all remember 2008, the lost territories and human casualties, which constituted billions of USD in damage. If we are told that several billion are needed for the enhancement of our democracy, we cannot even give a serious comment to this statement. The model of democracy that the USA imposed in an acute manner on us on the example of Saakashvili regime, carries quite a different context and essence but it is a subject for our further discussions.

Today, Georgia is envisioned for a certain role that we shall play under the dictation of the Embassy and it is truly interesting to analyze this role. The fact is that our only function is to restrain Russia, and Ukraine and Georgia have been prepared for this very function for years, though the Georgian Government refused to accept the destruction of the country, which they cannot forgive. In terms of financing, there are several interesting factors:

According to the official US data, the American funds for the last 30 years allocated to Georgia, unlike the statement of the Ambassador, constituted not 6 bl. But 4,5 bl. USD, where Georgia received only 3,5 bl. USD in fact;

- In 2013-2021, after the “Georgian Dream” has come to authority, American financing constituted only 1,15 bl. SD, where more than 200 ml was the sum residual after the special financing allocated for the partial liquidation of the grave 2008 war consequences; for the comparison, during the authoritarian regime of Saakashvili, the USA financed Georgia with 2,23 bl. USD, hence, the highest sums have been allocated in 2006 (411 ml) and 2009 (625 ml);
- A significant part of the US allocations – over 700 ml USD was consumed on NGOs, including the campaigns against the state and the church. The greatest part of the American funds have been consumed on NGOs, in fact, the American agents, which softly speaking, cannot be considered as the aid to Georgia;
- For the last few years, in line with the US standards, the Georgian Government has been allocating 2% of the State Budget to defense, which naturally constitutes a heavy burden. Most importantly, more than 30 000 Georgian soldiers have been serving in Iraq and Afghanistan missions, which meant the support of 2,5 bl. USD from Georgia (if we multiply the funds paid by the USA to the American soldiers by the number of the Georgian soldiers, we will get 2,5 bl. USD), nothing to speak about the human victims inflicted on Georgia.

Providing all these factors, the question is, was it Georgia to receive more material benefit since 2013 or the USA from Georgia. If the data we submit is incorrect, we call on the Embassy to public with detailed information about the principle and the target of the allocations to Georgia, including the real amount received by Georgia and the amount returned to the USA.

Unfortunately, information so far published by the Embassy is too scarce to provide Georgian society with details of the financing, which even further aggravates our doubts. Society remembers the blackmails directed to the Georgian Government last year, menacing to deprive us of the loan of 75 ml USD. If American financing brings any tangible benefits to the country and our economic enhancement, naturally, they would never menace us with quitting the allocations. It serves as another piece of evidence for us that the greatest part of the financing is not purposed for our development or the enhancement of the state system but mostly for the support of American interests.

The only exception we can name was several components – allocations for small economic projects, scholarships for Georgian students in the USA, as well as the allocations within the Millennium Challenge Foundation consumed in the educational sphere (though, the American investment in our education shall be separately discussed). All the circumstances we provide here indicate that the Americans do not invest in the development of Georgia and moreover, they even received the material profit of 2,5 bl. USD from us. American financing is directed not to enhance the democratic system but to undermine it; later, we intend to provide our society with more information.

And finally, I would like to ask the Embassy about their strategic task when they allocate funds to Georgia. It would be interesting to hear the Embassy submitting detailed information to the Georgian society within the angle of its strategic task about the target of the allocations. We are sure, if our society is provided with comprehensive information, they would clearly understand that the allocations are motivated not by charity and the welfare of the Georgian population but with the support of their interests to make Georgia and Ukraine blind servants of the global American scenario. Once again, we call on the Embassy for more transparency on the allocations, however, we are less optimistic since we are sure that the disclosure of this information will enhance the alarming conclusions of the Georgian society”, - reads the statement.