18 October 2024,   07:20
It was not necessary to send the draft law on de-oligarchization to the Venice Commission, but the authorities took into account the relevant request - Irakli Kobakhidze

It was not necessary to send the draft law on de-oligarchization prepared by Georgian Dream to the Venice Commission, but the authorities took into account the relevant request. Such a statement made today the Chairman of Georgian Dream.

“We made a decision to send this bill to the Venice Commission. The reason for this was the request that we heard publicly from European Commissioner Olivér Várhelyi.

His recommendation was to send this document to the Venice Commission. We also had a meeting with the newly appointed Ambassador of the European Union and heard such a request from him as well.

I still think it was not necessary to send this document to the Venice Commission, but since there were such requests, we took it into consideration and accordingly, the draft law has been sent to the Venice Commission”, - said Irakli Kobakhidze.