19 September 2024,   19:22
The Patriarchate requires the regulation of the issue of minorities at the legislative level

The Patriarchate and the representative of various religions operating in Georgia released a joint statement in connection with the LGBT week in Georgia.

“The so-called LGBT movement carries out far-reaching plans under the umbrella of protection of human rights, tolerance and acceptance. Even years ago, we loudly declared that the real purpose of this movement is not to protect anyone"s rights, but to promote a perverted lifestyle, including propaganda among the teenage generation, registering same-sex couples as families, adopting children, and generally changing the cultural code.

Today, everything is visible and we can clearly see the attempts to start this propaganda among children. We have gathered here to state once again: our society cannot accept this, is not ready, and will never be. This issue especially poses a threat to civil peace and causes extreme polarization, therefore we consider it appropriate to regulate it by law.

We, together with representatives of different religions, also clearly present to you our unity regarding this matter and loudly declare: for centuries we have created a culture of coexistence in this country, in which mutual respect and mutual acceptance are deeply rooted.

We don’t resolve issues with each other by violence, nor do we ever call anyone to violence, and we have a sincere desire that no one, through violence, cunning and deception, force upon us what is unacceptable to us”, - reads the statement.