12 October 2024,   16:09
The US, unlike some countries in the world, it is the democratically elected government that makes our policy choices - Miller

The US, unlike some countries in the world, it is the democratically elected government that makes our policy choices. Such a statement made Spokesperson of the US Department of State, Matthew Miller, while talking about Georgia.

“QUESTION: Let me ask you on Georgia. In response to the sanctions, the prime minister of Georgia stated that this was not the decision of the State Department, but it was made by some other groups. And just now a statement was released from the prime minister’s administration indicating that – and I’m quoting – “With this decision, the American side [has drawn] closer to critical limits.” What is your response to that?

MR MILLER: Closer to who?

QUESTION: To limits.

MR MILLER: To limits. I’m not going to deal with that. I will say in the United States, unlike some countries in the world, it is the democratically elected government that makes our policy choices and no one else”.