19 September 2024,   19:14
Ministry of Internal Affairs issues a statement regarding the already held and planned closed events organized by Tbilisi Pride

The Ministry of Internal Affairs would like to provide the public with information on preventive measures implemented by the Ministry of Internal Affairs with regards to the already held and scheduled closed events organized by Tbilisi Pride.

Several working meetings were held with the involvement of the representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, United Nations, other international organizations, the Office of the Public Defender of Georgia, as well as representatives of the diplomatic corps accredited in Georgia for ensuring the conduction of gatherings in a safe environment.

On July 2 of the current year, two closed events were held peacefully.

The representatives of the Ministry are in communication with the organizers of the gathering to conduct the closed event on specific location, planned on July 8 in a safe environment.

In order to conduct the mentioned closed event in a peaceful environment, the relevant police units will be deployed at all necessary locations to ensure the rule of law and security within the framework of the Agency’s mandate.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs will take all appropriate measures to ensure the safe format of the event, as well as to protect the freedom of expression and assembly of each person, that will not go beyond the limits guaranteed by law.

It is also notable that, information is being spread through various media sources that several groups of individuals are planning to assemble at a specific location in Tbilisi to hold counter-manifestation near the planned event.

The MIA would like to call on the organizers and participants of the counter-manifestation to observe the law, follow the rightful requests of police and not to exceed the limits of the right to assembly and manifestation provided by law. If otherwise, the police will act in accordance with their mandate.

Herewith, the Ministry of Internal Affairs would like to call on media representatives working on the venues of the planned event and the counter-manifestation to coordinate their actions with the employees of the Strategic Communications Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and take into account instructions of the law enforcement officers on the spot.