19 September 2024,   20:46
Auto park of Emergency Situation Coordination and Urgent Assistance Center has been renewed

Auto park of Emergency Situation Coordination and Urgent Assistance Center has been renewed. The Center was enriched with 17 new, compliant with European standards, ambulances. Equipped with modern medical technologies ambulances enable prompt transportation of patients with any severity and provision of full-fledged first urgent medical aid.

Minister of Health of Georgia, Zurab Azarashvili together with Deputy Minister, Ilia Ghudushauri and Director of Emergency Situation Coordination and Urgent Assistance Center, Alexander Kutibashvili visited the renewed auto park. According to the Minister of Health, important changes were introduced to improve working conditions of emergency medical services personnel.

A new administrative office of the emergency medical center was opened. The office, where 324 employees work, is equipped in accordance with international standards.

This year, the salaries of employees have been increased for the second time. The salaries will be increased again from 2024. News standards and criteria for ambulances were introduced.

In July 2023, the Ministry of Health procured 120 ambulances of European standards, including 15 reanomobiles. Their gradual distribution to emergency assistance centers continues.

Procurement of the vehicles by the Ministry was funded by the European Investment Bank.