16 September 2024,   23:00
Shalva Papuashvili meets with the OSCE PA President, Pia Kauma

The Speaker, Shalva Papuashvili held a meeting with the OSCE PA President, Mme. Pia Kauma.

Shalva Papuashvili reiterated words of congratulations to Mme. Kauma on the appointment to the position of the President and extended best wishes to her in presiding over the OSCE PA in such a turbulent period.

The parties overviewed the developments in the region and the EU candidate status for Georgia. The importance of regional peace and the role of Georgia in Azerbaijan-Armenia relations were underlined.

Mme. Kauma gave a positive assessment of the reforms recently undertaken by Georgia and congratulated our country on a positive recommendation from the European Commission concerning the EU candidacy. As she highlighted, having incorporated the complicated situation in terms of peace and security in mind, OSCE becomes far more relevant.

She underlined the importance of the South Caucasus region deriving from a peace and security perspective. According to her, Georgia has a special geographic location at the junction of Europe and Asia and thus, the future of Georgia is of imperative importance for a whole region. The discourse included the Parliamentary Elections of Georgia in 2024.

Speaker Papuashvili expressed his hopes that OSCE PA dispatches the observers.