16 September 2024,   22:57
Police arrest 20 people during eviction process on Kekelidze Street - MIA

Police arrest 20 people during eviction process on Kekelidze Street, reads the statement, released by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

“Employees of various divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are mobilized on Kekelidze Street in Tbilisi to ensure public safety.

On January 23 of the current year, from 11:00, the employees of the National Bureau of Enforcement of the Ministry of Justice carried out the eviction procedure on the basis of the writ of execution issued by the court. In order to maintain the order, police units were are deployed at the site since morning.

The assembled citizens physically resisted the employees of the National Bureau of Enforcement at the beginning of the process and not allowing them to carry out the eviction process.

Despite the numerous calls of the police to the direction of the citizens to express their protest in a peaceful manner, the crowd physically and verbally abused the law enforcement officers and used a special tool, the so-called spray. In addition to the mentioned, from the window of the residential apartment, various objects were thrown at police officers.

During the eviction process, an investigation was launched under Article 353 of the Criminal Code of Georgia on the fact of resisting a police officer, an employee of the special penitentiary service or another representative of the government and obstructing the protection of public order.

The citizens at the site damaged the vehicle belonging to the National Bureau of Enforcement on purpose, which was followed by investigation under article 187, part II, subparagraph “c” of the Criminal Code of Georgia, implying damage to an object committed in group. 2 persons have been arrested in connection with the mentioned fact and investigative activities are still in progress.

In the course of the eviction procedure, 18 persons were also detained by the law enforcement officers under the Administrative Code of Offences for ignoring the rightful request of the policeman and violating the public order.

In order to identify the alleged perpetrators of the crime and take appropriate legal measures against them, all relevant investigative and procedural measures are being implemented”.