04 July 2024,   00:20
From today, approval of the MIA will be required for the purchase/registration of gas weapons

From June 7 of the current year, changes were made to the rules for the purchase/registration of gas weapons.

According to the amendments made to the order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Georgia “On approval of the procedure for carrying, storing, transporting, forwarding and registering weapons and ammunition in use or ownership”, if a person is willing to purchase/register a gas weapon, he/she should submit a weapon storage certificate to the service agency / Consent from the relevant territorial authority of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia according to the place of registration.

Based on the written application of the interested person and the study of the relevant circumstances, the relevant territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia takes a written decision on the consent or refusal to give consent, depending on the place of storage/registration of weapons. The applicant is notified of the decision in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of Georgia.

Failure to appear/refusal to come to the police administrative building and/or not allowing the authorized person to come to the person’s place of residence/weapons storage place is the basis for refusing to give consent.