29 September 2024,   05:36
If an organization does not fulfill the requirements stipulated by the Foreign Influence Law, it will be fined GEL 25 000 - Rati Bregadze

From August 1, organizations that meet the criteria stipulated by the Law [on Transparency] will be able to apply - the time when masked people used to raid TV stations is a thing of the past, such a thing will not happen again. Such a statement made today the Minister of Justice.

“If the organization does not fulfill the requirements stipulated by the law, that is, it does not obey the legislation of Georgia, the corresponding responsibility is written in the law, which means a fine of GEL 25 000.

The legislation stipulates that if any legal entity that falls within the criteria does not fulfill its obligations and violates the legislation of Georgia, it will be held liable and a fine of 25,000 GEL is provided as a sanction. This is not a secret, but in your terms – “entering the offices” you probably mean and want to mislead the public that someone is going to raid offices, wearing a mask.

There are no similar events planned. The days when masked people used to raid TV stations and harass people live on air are gone. All this is in the past, forget this time. It will not happen again, because in the elections, including the founder of your TV [David Kezerashvili] will not be given the opportunity to come to power”, - said Rati Bregadze.