When funds are spent to destroy the country and create problems for the state, there will always be a response. Such a statement made today the Mayor of Tbilisi, while commenting the freezing of accounts belonging to several so-called "foundations".
"An investigation is underway. When funds are spent to destroy the country, create problems for the state, create discomfort for the people, there will always be a response. Of course, it must be determined where these funds come from and who is financing attempts to destabilise the country", - said Kakha Kaladze.
He also addressed a question regarding the US President’s position on ensuring transparency in donor organisations` funding.
"We have spoken openly about this, though we will refrain from naming individuals. We have publicly informed the public about the situation regarding Georgia - how there were demands to open a 2nd front, how they insisted on Georgia joining sanctions. Initially, these demands were denied, but later, they were even included it in a resolution. In the future, we may see resolutions criticising us for not opening a second front - nothing is off the table.
We defended our national interests. Looking back at what we have gone through, I believe Georgia stands victorious today. Of course, it was not easy - there was immense pressure, blackmail, and threats, which continue even now. But for us, the guiding principle has always been our country, its interests, its future, and our people. That is why we will always act in the best interest of our homeland, not according to the agenda of any major power", - added the Mayor.