02 October 2024,   02:33
"Rustavi 2" response to Ivanishvili`s proposal

Rustavi 2 Director General, Nika Gvaramia,responded to the offer of Ivanishvili to organize a special TV broadcasts format  which reads as follows:

"Rustavi 2 can not agree to a elaborate special format for Ivanishvili for the following reasons:

1. We have fixed airtime for a political talk show ( The Choice with Giorgi Gabunia) - Tuesday, 22.00 p.m.the airtime is changed only in emergency situations (the June 13 disaster, Rustavi 2"s court case). Accordingly, we can not consider any other options but Tuesday (suggested was a Wednesday);

2. We do not accept ultimatums from the respondents, regarding what subjects the questions are limited with (the proposed subject was Ivanishvili`s letter and speading of lies circulate on our TV);

3. We do not see a talk show format with another TV companies (even if they are friendly channels ready to share our editorial values) with the participation of many journalists (offered was a mixed format with Tabula TV );

4. We do not consider it possible to interview in other locations but the R-2 studio (proposed was neutral territory). Our talk show is always carried out on our own territory, except in cases when the respondent is not present in the country (for example, interviews with Mikhail Saakashvili). If our territory is meeting security guarantee requirments for the most defensible figure - the President (and the President has been our guests), the claim of a citizen Ivanishvili to change location is unacceptable. Especially, since there was no problem in recording his interview in the public broadcaster and not on neutral territory. In addition, the program is expected to require a monitor showing video materials which is not technically feasible in a hotel or other location;

5. We rule out the participation of a third party - the so-called Moderator in our talk show. We have not even heard of such practice if the issue is not related to pre-election debates, where there are strict rules and independent moderators control time limits ;

Accordingly, the Rustavi 2 TV company refuses the proposed format and in response to Mr. Ivanishvili offers the following:

1. The respondent will be presented in the talk show The Choice on any Tuesday at 22 am in Rustavi2 the building at Sandro Euli 5a.

2. The topics to be asked will be defined by the channel and the respondent will be notified in advance about them (not the specific questions but topics) ;

3. If Ivanishvili deems necessary to discuss certain programs that were broadcasted by our TV those journalists whom he is going to blame in spreading the lies will participate in the talk shows together with Giorgi Gabunia. In this way, we consider it possible to adequately conduct a polemic, as Giorgi Gabunia can not be relevant, for participating in discussion with regard to a program prepared for example by Eka Kvesitadze or Akaki Gogichaishvili;

4. The program will involve only Rustavi 2 journalists, despite our respect to our colleagues from other TV stations. Moderated will be the program anchor - Giorgi Gabunia;

5. The program will be broadcast live;

Since the format may require adjustment and inclusion of other journalists, please let us know your decision no later than one week prior to scheduled program

Recall that on Wednesday Ivanishvili`s representative offered the broadcasting company Rustavi 2 and Tabula TV to participate in a specially organized format of TV show.

Ivanishvili"s offer of Rustavi 2 and Tabula:

"Time: Wednesday next week.

Place: neutral space (hotel, etc ...) we are ready to cover space rental costs in case of rent .

Participants: 2-3 journalists per channel, the Prime Minister and the moderator

Streaming: live

Format: Journalists ask questions in turns, the respondent answers the questions; the order of questions and time limits are controlled by a Moderator:

Topics: The program will be devoted to episodes shown on Rustavi 2 and Tabula TV about Ivanishvili which did not reflect the truth.

The second part will be devoted to central themes of Ivanishvili`s letter .
Finally, the journalists will be able to ask questions on other topics, "- is said in a letter sent to the TVs.