09 February 2025,   08:40
The most closed public agencies - IDFI makes public the survey results

The Institute for Development of Freedom of Information named the most closed and open public agencies. The NGO has named the Revenue Service as the most closed public agency due to the concealed administrative and representative expenses. According to the survey prepared by IDFI, the Revenue Service did not disclose information despite the cases won by the NGO in courts of all the three instances.

In the Revenue Service they say that the title of the most closed public institutions is not desirable and information to be sent to IDFI is still in the preparatory stage. According to the Office of Public Service, tthe Institute will receive the requested information in the nearest future.

After the Revenue Service IDFI has declared the Chamber of Commerce and Industry as the most closed agency. It turns out that the Chamber has not answered any of the 29 requests of the non-governmental organization.

According to the IDFI"s survey, the state agencies are often hiding information about bonuses, supplements, business trips and representative expenses and vehicles.

Ministries of the environment, penitentiary, energy and sports were nominated as the most open agencies of the last year.

Public information is noyt willingly provided by the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Georgian government"s administration is also leading the list. Ministry of Justice has set a record in belated the release of the information.