27 July 2024,   04:51
None of the countries have a right to veto over Georgia"s membership in NATO - the US Deputy Secretary of State

The conference dedicated to the 100 anniversary of the First Republic of Georgia was held at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.
Former and active high ranking officials of the United States have discussed the challenges of Georgia"s integration into the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, as well as free media and economic security issues. The honorable guest of the meeting was Rejeb Zhordania, the son of the Chairman of the Government of the First Republic of Georgia.

"During many administration and congressional sessions, one thing remains permanent. This is a long-term bipartisan support for Georgia"s sovereignty and territorial integrity, based on one simple fact that Georgia is a strong partner of the United States.

Abkhazia and South Ossetia occupied by Russia are integral parts of Georgia and the United States continues to support Georgia"s independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity based on a one simple fact that only Georgia is to decide its future.

No other country has the right to veto Georgia"s accession to NATO, "states US Deputy Secretary of State Bridget Brink.