22 October 2024,   18:54
Intimidation Policy and Privileged Forces Encouraged by Government - NGOs Respond to LGBT Community Rally

Intimidation policy and the specific privileged forces encouraged by the government - the civil sector responds to the May 17 developments.

Representatives of NGOs think that the government could not guarantee security for citizens, which led to the fact that LGBT human rights defenders for the first time in a few years have refused to hold a large-scale demonstration.

The civil sector calls on the government once again to protect the norm of the Constitution by which any citizen has the freedom of expression guaranteed. The Deputy State Ombudsman also spoke about the role of the state in such processes.

"One of the most oppressive groups in the field of equality is LGBT community.
Consequently, the government has a positive obligation to promote the freedom of assembly and expression in the country and to create all conditions for prevention of risks or further reaction on the ground, "- said Eka Skhiladze, deputy Public Defender.