22 October 2024,   15:39
As the European Union, we will respect whatever choice will be made by you, by Georgians - Pawel Herczynski

We will respect whatever choice will be made by you, by Georgians. It is not for the European Union to decide on the political decisions before elections, during elections, or after elections. Such a statement made today the EU Ambassador to Georgia.

Pawel Herczynski said he expects the upcoming 2024 parliamentary elections in Georgia to be free, fair, transparent and competitive.

“I can repeat once again, as the European Union, we will respect whatever choice will be made by you, by Georgians. It is not for the European Union to decide on the political decisions before elections, during elections, or after elections. It is the choice of the Georgian people. We have said loud and clear that we expect upcoming elections to be free and fair, according to the highest standards that should be fully inclusive, fully transparent, and fully competitive.

In four days, you will have a possibility to go and to elect your future government. Elections are a festival of democracy. This is a day in which you, yourself, each of you can decide your future, the future of your children. Please go out, please vote, and please choose a government that would represent your desires, your wishes, and your aspirations.

Last Sunday, again, I saw on the streets of Tbilisi so many EU flags. For an EU Ambassador, it was a day of pride, it was a day of joy, it was a day of happiness. I saw so many people on the streets. Everyone was there. And I saw so many young people, your children. They deserve a better future. They deserve to have opportunities here in Georgia. They should not look for a better life somewhere else. They should have the possibility to stay, to live, to work in their beautiful Sakartvelo”, - said Pawel Herczynski.