27 July 2024,   04:19
Liberalization of Drug Policy - Parliament and Governing team have 10 days to make a decision

The Parliament and the ruling team still have 10 days to make a decision on drug policy. The parliamentary majority asserted that they would come to a joint position until June, although "Georgian Dream" members still have different opinions and a common decision has not yet been reached.

The main controversial issue is still decriminalization of drugs and defining the dosage exceeding of which will be prosecuted.

Dimitri Tskitishvili, deputy chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee of the Parliament, said that humane drug policy is important and drug users should not be held criminally responsible.

Sopho Kiladze, chairwoman of the Human Rights and Civil Integration Committee of the Parliament, said that drug policy should be focused on the reduction of users and the protection of human rights.

"It"s crucial that we get the result. Who wrote the draft, in my opinion is not essential, "said Sopho Kiladze.