27 July 2024,   03:47
International experts talk about media environment and internal democracy in Georgia

"Georgia is a small country with a small media market, it is difficult to maintain unity and independence in the society and in the state," the statement was made by Damon Wilson, executive vice president of the Atlantic Council while assessing media environment in Georgia.

Damon Wilson said while speaking about the country"s internal processes and democracy that there are alternative sources of power that do not fall into constitutional frames.

"There is no healthy constitutional democracy when alternative sources of power exist, which gives the country a directive, it does not fall into constitutional frames and destabilizes development of constitutional democratic governance over time. I want to see Georgia that strengthens the institutions and refuses the policy based on personalities, "Wilson said.

Director of the American McCain Institute for Human Rights and Democracy, David Kramer speaks about the importance of the forthcoming presidential elections.

"Presidential elections in autumn will be interesting. It is important that the political leaders rule the country according to the results of the elections and the will of the voters. This is the truth here and in every country. People may always be behind the scenes that try to influence from outside, but transparency, accountability and the rule of law are crucial. People should know that the leaders chosen by them and not others have to respond to their own problems, , "said Kramer.

Professor of the University of Florida and Vice President of the Atlantic Council tomorrow will participate in the international conference "Freedom Agenda for the next 100 years".

They arrived in Georgia to mark the Independence Day celebration at the invitation of the "Economic Policy Center".