27 April 2024,   04:49
Million borrowed by Zurabichvili from Cartu Bank- Opposition Speaks about violation of law and appeals to the Audit Office

ending one million to Salome Zurabishvili by Cartu Bank is a violation of law says Levan Bejashvili, the member of UNM.

Bezhashvili calls on the Audit Office to be interested in the issue, as according to him banks are prohibited to give even a small loan to candidates.

"The bank, associated with Ivanishvili, with the government gives him one million lari. The fact is that no other candidate has the ability to do so. Not only for Cartu Bank but for any banking institution is directly prohibited to allocate small amounts of loans to political parties and candidates.

That fact is a violation, "says Levan Bezhashvili, a member of United National Movement.

Irakli Abesadze, a member of the parliamentary minority, says that one million, given to Salome Zurabichvili, is Bidzina Ianishvili"s donation, which will make Zurabishvili owe to Ivanishvili in case of her presidency