19 September 2024,   19:23
149 gold medalists of Rustavi schools received monetary awards from the City Hall

149 gold medalists of Rustavi schools received monetary awards from the City Hall at a reception specially arranged for them. In addition to monetary rewards, the young people who came to the reception also received gifts from private business representatives.

Prizes specially established for them were drawn according to the Lototron principle. At the event organized by Rustavi City Hall, special certificates were presented to the gold medalists by the city mayor Nino Latsabidze. She congratulated them on graduating with a gold medal and wished them further success.

The Mayor announced a new initiative at the ceremonial reception and noted that next year, along with the gold medalists, those young people who graduate from school with a silver medal will receive a monetary award.

The tradition of handing over cash awards to gold medalists was established last year in Rustavi, on the initiative of Nino Latsabidze. In order to promote education, in addition to encouraging gold medalists, Rustavi City Hall also implements programs for financing students’ education, schoolchildren and students’ transportation. GEL 18,314,700 is provided in the 2023 budget of Rustavi for the promotion of education, pre-school education and relevant infrastructure.