19 September 2024,   19:18
City Hall asks the open cafes located on the pedestrian part of Aghmashenebeli Avenue to arrange the visual part and permit documents

Tbilisi City Hall asks the open cafes located on the pedestrian section of David Aghmashenebeli Avenue to arrange the visual part and permit documents

“In Tbilisi, on the pedestrian part of David Agmashenebeli Avenue, from the intersection of Chorokhi Street to Saarbrucken Square, there are about 40 open cafes operating without any permit documents. The chaotically located outdoor cafes create a problem for both locals and pedestrians on this street. Why should we interfere in businesses or oppose them, but such an attitude and such approaches are categorically unacceptable. You know that this space was rehabilitated as David Narmania was the Mayor, and it was a real pleasure to walk here. Today we see open cafes operating without any permits. We remember the period of the pandemics when we supported you in every way and supported you in organizing these spaces on the street, because there were certain restrictions for closed spaces. In order to help your businesses, you and your employees avoid problems, we allowed you to use open spaces then.

However, now the situation is very grave both visually and from the point of view of walking – the cafes protrude on both sides so that it is impossible even to travel in the street between them even in case of fire or emergency. Therefore, we must put this right, my friends.

You are given a deadline to coordinate both the visual aspect and the permits with our respective departments. Otherwise we will have to react accordingly, and the Municipal Inspection will be involved in solving the problem together with other governmental agencies. You have the time to solve the problem. Of course, the visual aspect is important. All this is important primarily for you and for the city. No one restricts you in doing business, but we must do everything according to the law. Business should not be done out at the expense of distorting the appearance of the city or restricting the rights of people living in it”, - said Kakha Kaladze, the Mayor of Tbilisi.