19 September 2024,   20:31
Ongoing works within the framework of the rehabilitation of Rustavi’s water supply system were discussed in the City Hall

In order to monitor the large-scale rehabilitation project of the Rustavi water supply system, another working meeting was held with the managers of the GWP company in Rustavi City Hall.

The Mayor of Rustavi, Nino Latsabidze, together with his deputies, met the General Director of GWP, Jose Miguel Santos, the new Director of Rustavi Water, Miguel Amkhel Mazo Estebanez, and other representatives of the company.

At the meeting, implemented and current projects aimed at improving Rustavi’s water supply were discussed in detail. Later, the Mayor and representatives of the GWP company got acquainted with the rehabilitation works of the main pipeline on Lomouri Street.

The rehabilitation project of the Rustavi water supply system was started at the beginning of 2023 at the request of Rustavi City Hall and GNEC decision by the company GWP. The amount of investment to be implemented is 30 million GEL. The project envisages the complex rehabilitation of the water pipeline.