27 July 2024,   04:44
Levan Davitashvili delivered a speech at the ongoing SDGs in Action 2024 World Government Summit in Dubai

The Minister of Economy of Georgia highlighted Government’s efforts in implementing the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals in comments at the ongoing World Governments Summit in Dubai.

As Levan Davitashvili said, Georgia is one of the first countries to join the 2015 UN General Assembly resolution on sustainable transformation.

“Georgia has started an intensive process of incorporating the Sustainable Development Goals into national goals, aligning them with the country’s strategic priorities. The goals and objectives were set taking into account the national context, challenges and opportunities.

The Government is firm in its decision to activate the SDGs in local self-governments.

For this purpose, in 2021, a plan for the implementation of the SDGs at the local level was developed Pilot programmes for the implementation of the plan have already started and five large cities have been selected for the initial stage. At the moment, 32 municipalities are already involved in the process. The goal of the Government is to localize sustainable development goals in all 64 municipalities by 2025, which should contribute to achieving the goals set for 2030.

The complex network of interconnected challenges across the world, striving for sustainable development had become not only a national duty, but a shared responsibility.

Georgia, with its unique geographical location and diverse ecosystems, is particularly sensitive to the impacts of climate change. Thus, cooperation with other nations is not only an option, but a necessity.

In recent years Georgia had made significant progress in inclusive access to economic opportunities, structural improvement of the economy, and strengthening of social security networks.

Georgia’s economy has proven its resilience against past economic crises, maintained macroeconomic stability, and along with short-term measures, created strong economic foundations for achieving long-term development goals.

In addition, I would like to emphasize that even in difficult times, Georgia continued to implement structural reforms in various areas of the economy, including the harmonization of our regulatory framework with the European Union legislation”, - said Levan Davitashvili.