22 June 2024,   00:02
If someone tries to draw temporary lines, it will only give a pause before a new war - Zelensky

President Volodymyr Zelensky urged the West to do more to achieve a fair peace as Ukraine battles the Russian invasion, telling US leader Joe Biden that Kyiv is counting on “shoulder-to-shoulder” support.

One day after Western leaders descended on northern France to mark the 80 year anniversary of the D-Day landings in World War II, Zelensky addressed the French parliament. He told France’s National Assembly he hoped a summit hosted by Switzerland later this month on bringing peace to Ukraine could hasten a fair end to the conflict: “The inaugural peace summit could become a format that would bring closer a just end to this war. I am grateful for all you are already doing and it is a lot. But for a fair peace, more must be done”.

He warned the French parliament that 80 years after the D-Day landings of World War II, Europe was “unfortunately no longer a continent of peace” owing to the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022: “Can [Vladimir] Putin win this battle? No. Because you and I have no right to lose… Can this war end on the lines that exist now? No. Because there are no lines for evil: not 80 years ago, not now. And if someone tries to draw temporary lines, it will only give a pause before a new war”.