26 June 2024,   15:45
Occupation, hybrid war, spies, Maidan scenario, internal and external threats - Head of the State Security Service reported to the Parliament

The Head of the State Security Service [SSSG] reported to the Parliament for 2023. According to Grigol Liluashvili, the report features the threats detected by the SSSG in 2023, as well as the preventive and eliminative measures in response thereto.

“The military actions in Ukraine in 2023 posed additional challenges to the already turbulent security milieu of the region, at a global level hampered the sustainable and stable development of the countries, and escalated the risks of the protraction of the socio-economic crisis. The reality generated within the reporting period had a negative effect on the security state of Georgia as well, especially under the lingering occupation and that our country is constantly exposed to pressure by the so-called hybrid war instruments.

I would like to underline that against the background of the said challenges, various internal and external factors in 2023 were directed to moreover aggravate the political situation in Georgia, coupled with the mobilization of resources to coercively replace the authorities. Deriving from the abovementioned, the SSSG has been sparing no effort to ensure maximal control of all security directions and undertake all necessary measures preventing and neutralizing the prejudice to the national interest of the country”, - said Grigol Liluashvili.

The reporter provided detailed information about the situation in the regions occupied by Russia, the illicit actions of the occupational forces, as well as the threats of disinformation, propaganda, cyber security and hybrid war.

He overviewed the terroristic threats and challenges posed to Georgia and accentuated the counter-terroristic activity. He dwelt on the capacity building of the SSSG and cooperation with international partners and collaboration with the Parliament.

“I would like to thank you all for supporting the national agency of your country, your homeland – the SSSG. You back our activity through effective and modern legislation in line with the EU standards, which simplifies addressing security challenges.

I want to thank the Defense and Security Committee and its Chair for supporting us. I want you to know that you can count on us as the watchdogs of the national security. I also would like to take this advantage and thank all the officers of our Service – young or old – for their immense contribution to the progress of the country”, - added Grigol Liluashvili.

The hearing of the report resumed in camera.